by Devin Gross


My first summer at Shohola was in 1978. I spent 12 summers off and on as both a camper and a counselor. Camp had a transformative effect on my life. Shohola taught me how to live independently, work with others, take care of campers, and find a community outside of my home. Many of my closest friends in life are those that I made at camp. My three teenage boys are also long-time Shoholaites.

This past year I agreed to take over as President of the Shohola Scholarship Fund. I spent the summer speaking with many alumni – young and old – and believe there is an opportunity to grow the Scholarship Fund while also more effectively engaging the Shohola Alumni community.

I am pleased to announce the official formation of the Shohola Alumni Association. The Alumni Association will have 3 primary functions:

  • Shohola Scholarship Fund – we will raise funds for scholarships, review scholarship applications, and grant scholarships (similar to what we do today remaining an Independent 501c3)
  • Alumni Professional Network – we will provide career linkage / guidance to recent counselors. The intent is to create a Shohola network where former campers and counselors can connect other alumni for jobs/advice/networking etc. We know that Shohola alumni acknowledge and appreciate the incredible skills developed as a Shohola Staff member.
  • Alumni Communication and Engagement – we will increase our communication with Alumni through newsletters, events, and of course, the 5-year reunions. We will also support Duncan and Holly in helping promote Shohola and recruit campers.

I am thrilled with the support being provided by a broad group of alumni who helped develop the Alumni Association listed below. If you are interested in getting involved, please email me Devin Gross